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Oral Health Service Report (West Virginia)

This report allows School Nurse users to create a report based on Oral Health Service details. The report is run by county and date range. Additional optional parameters are available.

Run the Report

To run this report, click the Oral Health Service> Reports link. The Oral Health Service Report page opens.  Enter the information, select the options, and click Create Report. To create a file for export purposes, click Create File.

The available fields and options on this page are as follows. Note that some options may not be available, such as the Limit Report By and Display By options.

Option Description

Limit Report By

To filter the report by student type, select an option:

  • Students with no oral health records

  • Students with at least one oral health record

Update Date Range

To limit the report by an update date range, enter the From and Through dates. These fields are required.


To limit the report to a specific county, select it from the drop-down list. This field is required.


To limit the report to a specific school, select it from the drop-down list.

Grade Level

To limit the report to a specific grade level, select it from the drop-down list.

Type of Service Provided

Select the type of service: Examination, Assessment, or Do Not Limit (default).

Does the child have any teeth with untreated decay?

Select Yes (decay), No (decay free), or Do Not Limit (default).

Does the child have any teeth that have previously been treated for decay, including fillings, crowns, or extractions?

Select Yes, No, or Do Not Limit (default).

Are there treatment needs?

Select Urgent, Not urgent, No Needs, or Do Not Limit (default).

Display By

Select how you want the report displayed: by School (default), Grade Level, or County.

If Create Report is selected, the report opens in a new browser tab or window. The report parameters appear at the top and the student information is listed with the following columns: First Name, Last Name, Service Type, Untreated Decay, Previous Decay Treatment, and Needs. The information is divided by school (within the county) and again by grade level.

Example Report

The following image is of an example Oral Health Service report:

Example Oral Health Service Report for West Virginia

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