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Washington State Vaccine Administered Report

This report details the number of vaccinations given per vaccine family in each of the different age categories for a specific Organization (IRMS) or Facility, or both, and the Log Eligibility - Publicly Supplied, Privately Purchased, or both, including by age group.

Run the Report

To run this report, click the Reports > State Reports > Washington State Vaccine Administered Report link. The Vaccine Administered Report page opens.  Enter the criteria and click Create Report. The report displays in a separate browser tab and can be printed using the browser's print function.

The available report criteria fields are as follows:

Field Description

Person Completing Report

Enter the name of the person completing the report. This field is required.

Phone Number

Enter the person's phone number. This is a required field.


Enter the email address for the person completing the report. This field is required.

Reporting Month

Select a reporting month from the drop-down list, after which the checkbox is automatically selected. This field is required. If the current month is selected (i.e., the month has not ended yet), a warning messages appears. Click Yes, I would like to continue to run the report anyway, or No, cancel and select a different month to cancel.

Vaccination Date Range

Enter the From and Through dates for a vaccination date range (based on the Reporting Month selected), after which the checkbox is automatically selected. This field is required.

Organization (IRMS) / Organization (IRMS) Group / Do Not Limit

To limit the report by an Organization (IRMS) or Group, select it from the related drop-down list, after which the radio button is automatically selected. Do Not Limit is the default.

Facility / Facility Group / Do Not Limit

To limit the report to a specific Facility or Facility Group, select it from the related drop-down list, after which the radio button is automatically selected. Do Not Limit is the default.


To limit the report to a specific VFC PIN, select it from the drop-down list (after which the radio button is automatically selected).

Funding Source

Select a Funding Source from the drop-down list (All is the default).

Example Report

The following image is of an example Washington State Vaccine Administered Report:

Example Washington Vaccine Administered report

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